Jennifer Garner

Born: 17 April 1972
Where: Houston, Texas, USA
Awards: Won 1 Golden Globe
Height: 5' 9"

Filmography: The Complete List

Male action stars are, of course, ten a penny. The world never seems to tire of beefy guys in sweaty vests pulping their victims with no concern for the Sixth Commandment. Kick-ass females, though, are harder to come by. Beyond the B-movie likes of Cynthia Rothrock, we find that top-notch stars really only dabble in the genre. Michelle Pfeiffer made a great Catwoman, but that was a one-off. Uma Thurman threw her weight around in Kill Bill and Paycheck, but that would not last. Halle Berry would press her claim in Die Another Day, the X-Men franchise and, again, as Catwoman, but her best work was clearly done in dramas.