Kate Beckinsale

Born: 26 July 1973
Where: London, England
Awards: No major awards
Height: 5' 8"

The Complete List
It was only with her role alongside Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett in the $130 million blockbuster Pearl Harbour that Kate Beckinsale finally came to be regarded as a major screen actress and personality in her own right - as opposed to the damaged daughter of a famous father. Being smart, well-read and occasionally outspoken - much like her screen heroines Geena Davis and Katherine Hepburn - she had producer Jerry Bruckheimer say of her: "She has such subtlety and style. She can switch to humour from high drama in a split second. She reminds me of Meg Ryan some years back", while legendary director John Schlesinger added that she has the "same combination of freshness and intelligence" as the young Julie Christie. High praise, hard earned.